We would like to inform you that some pages of our website are experiencing problems.

Failure summary

failed pagehttps://wasei-trade.co.jp/contact
Content of failureThe inquiry from the web page could not be accepted in the correct format
Cause of failureThe script that controls inquiries with a time limit did not work properly when making inquiries from the web page.
Duration of failureFrom 2016/03/01 0:00 To 2016/08/04 23:59

Restoration information

Recovery stateNow the recovery is completed and it is working normally.
Restoration work
implementation period
From 2016/08/04 12:00 To 2016/08/04 22:00
completion time
2016/08/04 22:00

Additional Notes

Currently, it is operating normally, but we may not be able to respond to inquiries received when the failure occurred. If you do not receive a response within 3 business days from the date of your inquiry, please contact us again.