About the handling of personal information

wasei-trade.co.jp (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) posts this privacy policy, respects the privacy of those who use this service (hereinafter referred to as “users”), We shall pay close attention to the management of personal information (according to the definition below) and handle it.

Definition of personal information

Personal information is information about an individual user that can identify the user by name, address, telephone number, email address, and other descriptions that make up the information. Personal information also includes information that can be easily compared with other information and, as a result, can identify an individual user, even if it cannot be identified by that information alone.

Purpose of use of personal information

The purpose of using personal information is as follows. We will not use it beyond the purpose of use.

  • Personal authentication of users and provision of this service for users
  • Delivery of communications, e-mail magazines, direct mails, and various notices associated with the use of this service
  • Provision of personal information to service providers and intermediaries based on user consent and application
  • Opinions regarding this service, confirmation and response to inquiries
  • Improvement of this service, creation of new content, analysis and marketing
  • Investigation of various multiple applications, transfer of rights, registration of false information, etc., which are prohibited by the Terms of Use, etc., and confirmation of the details of the application based on such investigation
  • Voluntary provision of personal information

If you do not enter the required items for each service, you may not be able to receive the service.

Provision of personal information to third parties

In principle, this site does not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the user. However, in the following cases, personal information may be provided without the user’s consent to the extent that it does not violate relevant laws and regulations.

  • When the user determines that it will be disadvantageous to a third party.
  • When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the user’s consent.
  • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, a local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the user himself/herself interferes with the execution of the affairs if there is a risk.
  • When disclosure of personal information is requested by a court, public prosecutor’s office, police, or an organization with authority equivalent to these.
  • When the user himself/herself explicitly requests disclosure or provision to a third party.
  • When disclosure or provision is permitted by law.

Purpose of use of personal information, recipients of services, and outsourcing

Purpose of use of personal information

Answer to the user himself/herself according to the content of the inquiry

Destinations of Information Entrusted by Users

This service uses the personal information received based on the user’s request only to respond to the application and manages it appropriately. The registration, modification, and deletion of personal information is entrusted to the user, and as a general rule, this service does not modify or delete personal information.

Items of personal information to be provided

The information items shall be within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Outsourcing of personal information processing

This site may outsource part or all of the personal information handling work depending on the service content.

Disclaimer regarding third party provision

In the following cases, this site will not be held responsible for the acquisition of personal information by a third party.

  • When the user himself/herself reveals personal information to the user company, etc. using the function of this service or another means please give me.
  • When the person is accidentally identified by the information entered in this service.
  • When personal information is provided by the user on an external site linked from this service and it is used.
  • When someone other than the user obtains information (ID, password, etc.) that can identify the individual user.

Use of statistically processed data

Based on the personal information provided, this site may create statistical data that has been processed so that individuals cannot be identified. This site can use statistical data that cannot identify individuals without any restrictions. Content may create.

  • User-interested content based on access.
  • Content of interest to users based on age and gender.
  • User-interested content based on country/region.

Change, Accuracy and Verification of Personal Information

Change of personal information, etc.

As a general rule, this site does not store personal information after it has achieved its purpose.

Accuracy of personal information

This site strives to accurately process the personal information provided. However, the user is responsible for ensuring that the personal information provided is accurate and up-to-date.

About identity verification

When using the member registration service, when responding to requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information, this site may use information that can identify an individual (name, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, etc.) ID, password, etc.) to confirm your identity. However, if a person other than the person obtains and uses information that can identify an individual, this site will not be held responsible.

Changes to privacy policy

This site reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.







  • ユーザーの個人認証及びユーザー向け本サービスの提供
  • 本サービスの利用に伴う連絡・メールマガジン・DM・各種お知らせ等の配信
  • ユーザーの承諾・申込みに基づく、サービス提供事業者・仲介事業者への個人情報の提供
  • 本サービスに関するご意見、お問い合わせ内容の確認・回答
  • 本サービスの改善・新規コンテンツの制作・分析およびマーケティング
  • 利用規約等で禁じている、各種多重申込、権利譲渡、虚偽情報登録などの調査と、それに基づく当該申込内容の詳細確認
  • 個人情報提供の任意性




  • ユーザーが第三者に不利益を及ぼすと判断した場合
  • 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、ユーザー本人の承諾を得ることが困難である場合
  • 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合で、ユーザー本人の同意を得ることによりその事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
  • 裁判所、検察庁、警察またはこれらに準じた権限を有する機関から、個人情報についての開示を求められた場合
  • ユーザー本人から明示的に第三者への開示または提供を求められた場合
  • 法令により開示または提供が許容されている場合



  • お問い合わせ内容による、ユーザー本人への回答









  • ユーザー自らが本サービスの機能または別の手段を用いて利用企業等に個人情報を明らかにする場合(なお、利用企業等における個人情報の取扱いについては、各利用企業及びサービス提供者に直接お問合せください)
  • 本サービスに入力した情報により、期せずして本人が特定できてしまった場合
  • 本サービスからリンクされる外部サイトにおいて、ユーザーより個人情報が提供され、またそれが利用された場合
  • ユーザー本人以外がユーザー個人を識別できる情報(ID・パスワード等)を入手した場合



  • アクセスに基づく、ユーザーの関心のあるコンテンツ
  • 年齢・性別に基づく、ユーザーの関心のあるコンテンツ
  • 国・地域に基づく、ユーザーの関心のあるコンテンツ









