The disclaimer for (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) is as follows.

Accuracy of information on this site

We strive to post as accurate information as possible in the content and information on this site. However, misinformation may enter or the information may become outdated. Accuracy is not necessarily guaranteed. We also do not guarantee legality or safety.

Liability for damage, etc.

Please note that we are not responsible for any damages caused by the content posted on this site. In addition, if you move from this site to another site by link or banner, etc., we will not be responsible for the information, services, etc. provided at the destination site.

We are not responsible for any damages caused to users due to the suspension of services by this site due to force majeure due to maintenance of this site, fire, power failure, other natural disasters, viruses, interference by third parties, etc. does not bear any liability. When using this site, you must do so at your own risk.以下、「当サイト」とします。)における免責事項は、下記の通りです。




