We would like to inform you that we have made some changes to the handling of inventory purchases.


Until now, we have not responded to requests for the purchase of foodstuffs, etc., considering the expiration date and the need for temperature control. At this time, we will respond to purchase requests for products that meet the following conditions.


Period for changing handling

TargetUntil 2015/06/10
After 2015/06/22
From 2015/06/11
Until 2015/06/22
GroceriesNot permitPermit
BeverageNot permitPermit

Conditions for permitting handling

Those that meet all of the following conditions are eligible.

  • The expiry date must be 180 days or more from the time of delivery to our designated warehouse.
  • The target product does not require temperature control such as refrigeration and freezing
  • The control of the target product does not require humidity control.
  • Products that are permitted for export
  • Products that are permitted to be imported in the destination country

For inquiries regarding this change, please contact the person in charge. Thank you for your kind support.